Make your Contact Lenses Feel Like New.
Just add Bubbles.
Hydrogen Peroxide-Based Lens Cleaning Solutions Provide a Preservative Free Clean.
What's the difference between CLEAR CARE® and CLEAR CARE® PLUS?
CLEAR CARE® PLUS has the same cleaning power of CLEAR CARE®, but also contains a proprietary wetting agent called HydraGlyde® Moisture Matrix that reconditions soft lenses and surrounds them with long-lasting moisture.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Solution
Triple Action Cleaning, plus moisturizing HydraGlyde® for softer lenses.
How to use CLEAR CARE® products
Why choose a Hydrogen Peroxide-Powered contact lens cleaning solution?

Eye care professional reviews*
“CLEAR CARE® Solution isn’t just for patients with allergies. I tend to shift patients who have contact lens dryness to CLEAR CARE® Solution, as well. I’ve found that clinically it can make a huge difference for these patients.”
“The great thing about CLEAR CARE® Solution is that you can see it working. The bubbling action helps enhance protein removal. When used correctly with its uniquely designed case, CLEAR CARE® Solution is neutralized into a gentle saline solution for irritant-free comfort. Many of my patients say it makes their lenses feel like new.”
“I am a firm believer that solution makes a difference in the patient's contact lens experience and I am adamant when it comes to recommending specific products. If I have a patient with vague complaints using their multipurpose solution, I always try them on CLEAR CARE® Solution before attempting to switch the lens. It works great for these patients, as well as those with seasonal allergies or preservative sensitivities. Using CLEAR CARE®Solution usually enables them to continue wearing their lenses year round. Not only is this a big win for many patients, but it makes me look like a hero.”
“I often recommend CLEAR CARE® Solution to patients for who have a history of systemic or ocular allergies. These individuals are more likely to develop hypersensitivity to allergens including some components in multipurpose solutions. CLEAR CARE® Solution is a good initial choice for them because of its excellent cleaning and disinfecting qualities and low propensity for causing hypersensitivity.”
“Patients who experience discomfort, whether from allergies or hypersensitivities, often benefit from using CLEAR CARE® Solution. I’ve found that many patients who dropped out can return to comfortable contact lens wear when they use CLEAR CARE® Solution.”
“For patients in the real world whose lenses must be disinfected, stored and worn again, I favor a hydrogen peroxide care system, such as CLEAR CARE® Cleaning & Disinfecting Solution; since the disinfecting power of hydrogen peroxide is unsurpassed, and this product contains no added preservatives.”
“CLEAR CARE® Solution is a great problem-solverin my practice. I recommend a significant number of therapeutic contact lenses, especially piggyback contact lenses, and because it’s approved for both GP and soft lenses, it’s an excellent choice for efficacy and convenience in these patients.”
“CLEAR CARE® Solution's proprietary formula has an important differentiating factor between it and the other peroxide products, including store brands. This unique formula has a cleaning compound that reduces surface tension to help remove debris and improves wetting of the contact lens... important factors for comfortable lens wear.”
*These Eye Care Professionals have received compensation for consulting and/or speaking for Alcon.
Have questions about CLEAR CARE®